
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2014 May 3;70(Pt 6):o636-7. doi: 10.1107/S1600536814009738. eCollection 2014 Jun 1.


In the title compound, C19H18N4O4, the nitro-phenyl and phenyl rings are twisted by 67.0 (6) and 37.4 (4)°, respectively, with respect to the pyrazole ring plane [maximum deviation = 0.0042 (16) Å]. The dihedral angle between the mean planes of the phenyl rings is 59.3 (3)°. The amide group, with a C-N-C-C torsion angle of 177.54 (13)°, is twisted away from the plane of the pyrazole ring in an anti-periplanar conformation. In the crystal, N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving the carbonyl group on the pyrazole ring and the amide group, together with weak C-H⋯O inter-actions forming R 2 (2)(10) graph-set motifs, link the mol-ecules into chains along [100]. Additional weak C-H⋯O inter-actions involving the nitro-phenyl rings further link the mol-ecules along [001], also forming R 2 (2)(10) graph-set motifs, thereby generating (010) layers.