{Dimeth-yl [(phenyl-sulfon-yl)amido-]phosphato-κ(2) O,O'}bis-(tri-phenylphosphane-κP)copper(I)

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2014 May 17;70(Pt 6):m209-10. doi: 10.1107/S1600536814010095. eCollection 2014 Jun 1.


In the title complex, [Cu(C8H11NO5PS)(C18H15P)2], the Cu(I) ion is coordinated by two tri-phenyl-phosphane mol-ecules and two O atoms of the chelating dimeth-yl(phenyl-sulfon-yl)amido-phosphate anion, generating a squashed CuO2P2 tetrahedron. In the six-membered chelate ring, the Cu, P and O atoms are almost coplanar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.024 Å), with the N and S atoms displaced in the same direction, by 0.708 (5) and 0.429 (2) Å, respectively.