The assessment of prognostic histopatholgical parameters depending on histological patterns of papillary thyroid carcinoma

Curr Health Sci J. 2014 Jan;40(1):37-41. doi: 10.12865/CHSJ.40.01.06. Epub 2013 Dec 29.


Papillary thyroid carcinoma represents common injuries that can have different histological variants that may influence the patient's prognostic. The study included a total of 44 papillary thyroid carcinomas, for which were followed a series of histological factors of aggressiveness for grading tumors. Most studied papillary carcinomas corresponded to the conventional type, followed by the follicular, micropapillary and tall cell variants. Depending on the presence of nuclear atypia, tumor necrosis, the frequency of mitosis, also the vascular invasion and the extrathyroidian extension there were distributions differences of the cases according to the tumor type, most of the cases belonged to the conventional and tall cell types. The assessment of histopathological parameters of aggressiveness with certain types known to have an unfavorable behavior, justify the use of the histological grading of papillary thyroid carcinomas.

Keywords: histological grade; papillary thyroid carcinoma; tumor type.