
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2014 Jan 18;70(Pt 2):o163-4. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813034429. eCollection 2014 Feb 1.


In the title compound, C22H26O2, the aromatic rings are inclined to one another by 8.39 (9)° and the mol-ecule has an E conformation about the C=C bond. In the crystal, mol-ecules stack head-to-tail along the b-axis direction. They are linked by very weak C-H⋯O contacts, forming C(4) chains along [100]. Two chains are linked by a pair of very weak C-H⋯O contacts, enclosing inversion-dimeric R 2 (2)(8) ring motifs. There are also C-H⋯π inter-actions present, which link the double-stranded chains, forming a two-dimensional network.