How accurate is our prediction of biopsy outcome? PCA3-based nomograms in personalized diagnosis of prostate cancer

Cent European J Urol. 2012;65(3):110-2. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2012.03.art1. Epub 2012 Sep 4.


Purpose: The sensitivity and specificity of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) alone to select men for prostate biopsy remain suboptimal. This review aims at presenting a review of current prostate cancer (PCa) nomograms that incorporate Prostate Cancer Gene 3 (PCA3), which was designed to outperform PSA at predicting biopsy outcome.

Materials and methods: The PubMed database and current literature search was conducted for reports on PCA3-based nomograms and tools for examining the risk of a positive prostate biopsy in a man without a known PCa diagnosis.

Results and conclusions: The introduction of PCA3 into clinical practice has led to the development of a set of PCA3-based nomograms to predict biopsy outcome. Combining PCA3 results with established PCa risk factors has produced significant improvements over PSA alone in predicting the risk of a positive prostate biopsy for cancer.

Keywords: diagnosis; nomogram; prostate; prostate cancer antigen; prostatic neoplasms.

Publication types

  • Review