Dental prosthetic status, prosthetic needs in relation to socioeconomic status of the state government employees in Shimla city (Himachal Pradesh) - A cross sectional study

J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2011 Jul;1(2):52-6. doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.97699.


Objective: To know the dental prosthetic status, prosthetic needs in relation to socioeconomic status (SES) of the state government employees in Shimla city, Himachal Pradesh.

Materials and methods: The study was carried on 1008 (705 males and 303 females) state government employees in Shimla city between February 25, 2009 and April 10, 2009. Type III examination was conducted and the prosthetic status and prosthetic needs were recorded on W.H.O. format 1997. Modified Kuppuswamy scale, with readjustment of the per capita income to suit the present levels, was used for SES classification.

Results: 10.3% of the subjects in the study had prosthesis of some kind. The prosthetic status was better in the upper middle and upper SES category as compared with the other categories and the findings were statistically significant. Prosthetic need in the study population was 33.2%, which was maximum for the subjects in the lower SES category and minimum for the higher SES category. Awareness on the provision of reimbursement for dental care was highest among the upper class and negligible in the lower SES category.

Conclusions: Present study shows a direct relationship between SES and percentage of the subjects having prosthesis of some kind. SES shows an inverse relationship with prosthetic need and awareness on the provision of reimbursement of dental care.

Keywords: Prosthetic needs; Shimla; prosthetic status; socioeconomic status; state government employees.