First branchial cleft anomalies: avoiding the misdiagnosis

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Jul;65(3):260-3. doi: 10.1007/s12070-013-0641-y. Epub 2013 Mar 19.


First branchial cleft anomalies are a very rare entities accounting for less than 1 % of all branchial cleft malformations. They are often misdiagnosed for other cystic lesions occurring in parotid gland and inadequately treated (incision and drainage or incomplete excision) leading to multiple recurrences. We report a series of four patients who were previously operated (incision and drainage) for misdiagnosed first branchial cleft anomalies with subsequent recurrences. All patients underwent superficial parotidectomy with complete tract excision using facial nerve monitoring to prevent iatrogenic injury because of extensive fibrosis. We discuss the literature pertaining to first branchial cleft anomalies, their varied presentations and their relationship to facial nerve in parotid gland and importance of facial nerve monitoring in revision surgery.

Keywords: Facial nerve; Facial nerve monitoring; First branchial cleft anamolies; Superficial parotidectomy.