Selenium and reproductive function. A systematic review

J Endocrinol Invest. 2013 Nov;36(10 Suppl):28-36.


Selenium (Se) is an essential element involved in normal gonadal development, gametogenesis, and fertilization. Molecular studies show that the gonads actively take up and store Se, most of which is incorporated in the glutathione peroxidase enzymes. We provide a systematic review of the original molecular studies, prospective observational data and randomized controlled trials on the role of Se in reproductive function conducted in the past 30 years. A critical appraisal of these findings suggests that Se supplementation produces a bell-shaped response curve, with negative effects observed for both low and high concentrations. The few available clinical trials support the use of Se supplementation (<200 μg/d) to improve male infertility, although their pre-treatment assessment of Se levels in enrolled subjects is inconsistent and their quality and size are insufficient to enable general recommendations. In females, a putative role in oocyte maturation and fertilization is suggested, but no large controlled trials have yet been performed. The role of Se supplementation on pregnancy outcomes is promising, and ongoing studies and meta-analysis should soon enable proper recommendations to be suggested. How best to assess Se in terms of cut-off value, sample type (serum, semen, other fluids) and the specific outcome of interest remains to be clarified. In the meantime, assessment of serum Se levels followed by low-dose replacement therapy when necessary is a reasonable approach to improve male idiopathic infertility and gestational outcome.