From EHRs to Linked Data: representing and mining encounter data for clinical expertise evaluation

AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013 Mar 18:2013:165. eCollection 2013.


Translational science, today, involves multidisciplinary teams of scientists rather than single scientists. Teams facilitate biologically meaningful and clinically consequential breakthroughs. There are a myriad of sources of data about investigators, physicians, research resources, clinical encounters, and expertise to promote team interaction; however, much of this information is not connected and is left siloed. Large amounts of data have been published as Linked Data (LD), but there still remains a significant gap in the representation and connection of research resources and clinical expertise data. The CTSAconnect project addresses the problem of fragmentation and incompatible coding of information by creating a Semantic Framework that facilitates the production and consumption of LD about biomedical research resources, clinical activities, as well as investigator and physician expertise.