The double molybdate Na9Sc(MoO4)6 refined from powder XRD data

Acta Crystallogr C. 2013 Nov;69(Pt 11):1301-3. doi: 10.1107/S010827011302862X. Epub 2013 Oct 31.


Na9Sc(MoO4)6 {nonasodium scandium hexakis[tetraoxidomolybdate(II)]} was synthesised by a solid-state method. The basic structure units are polyhedral clusters composed of an ScO6 octahedron and three NaO6 octahedra sharing total edges. The clusters are connected by sharing vertices with bridging MoO4 tetrahedra, forming a three-dimensional framework where the cavities are occupied by the other two crystallographically independent Na atoms.

Keywords: MoO4 tetrahedron; NaO6 octahedron; ScO6 octahedron; crystal structure; double molybdate; polyhedral clusters; powder diffraction.