
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Sep 28;69(Pt 10):m564-5. doi: 10.1107/S160053681302607X. eCollection 2013.


The title compound, [Fe(C44H28N4)(C6HF4O)], is a porphyrin complex with iron(III) in fivefold coordination with a tetra-fluoro-phenolate group as the axial ligand. The Fe atom and the phenolate ligand are disordered across the porphyrin ring with the two phenolates appearing to be roughly related by a center of symmetry. The occupancies of the two phenolate groups refined to 0.788 (3) for the major component and 0.212 (3) for the minor component. The structure shows extraordinary Fe displacements of 0.488 (4) (major) and 0.673 (4) Å (minor) from the 24-atom mean plane of the porphyrin. The Fe-Np distances range from 2.063 (4) to 2.187 (6) Å and the Fe-O distances are 1.903 (5) Å for major component and 1.87 (2) Å for minor component. The four phenyl groups attached to the porphyrin ring form dihedral angles of 63.4 (4), 49.6 (4), 62.4 (4), and 63.3 (4)° (in increasing numerical order) with the three nearest C atoms of the porphyrin ring. The major and minor component phenolate groups form dihedral angles of 24.9 (4)° and 24.8 (4)°, respectively, with the four porphyrin N atoms. The Fe⋯Fe distance between the two iron(III) atoms of adjacent porphyrin mol-ecules is 6.677 (3) Å. No close inter-molecular inter-action was observed. The crystal studied was twinned by inversion, with a major-minor component ratio of 0.53 (3):0.47 (3).