Serum antileptospiral agglutinins in freshwater turtles from Southern Brazil

Braz J Microbiol. 2009 Apr;40(2):227-30. doi: 10.1590/S1517-83822009000200003. Epub 2009 Jun 1.


In this study, we observed the presence of antileptospiral agglutinins in freshwater turtles of two urban lakes of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Forty animals (29 Trachemys dorbigny and 11 Phrynops hilarii) were captured and studied. Attempts to isolate leptospires from blood and urine samples were unsuccessful. Serum samples (titer > 100) reactive to pathogenic strains were observed in 11 animals. These data encourage surveys of pet turtles to evaluate the risk of transmission of pathogenic leptospires to humans.

Keywords: Agglutinins; Leptospirosis; Turtles.