Candida Glabrata Esophagitis: new case reports and management

Braz J Microbiol. 2008 Apr;39(2):279-81. doi: 10.1590/S1517-838220080002000015. Epub 2008 Jun 1.


Candida esophagitis (CE) is a common opportunistic infection in the immunocompromised host. C. glabrata is rarely cited as agent of CE and has been underestimated due to lack of proper identification. In this study, two cases of C. glabrata esophagitis in AIDS and chagasic patients are reported. Diagnosis of Candida species should be considered an important key for the ideal choice of antifungal therapy against this mycosis.

Keywords: AIDS; Candida glabrata; Chagas disease; esophagitis.