(3-Chloro-phen-yl)[(E)-2-(1,3-di-thio-lan-2-yl-idene)hydrazinyl-idene]methyl 3-chloro-benzoate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Apr 13;69(Pt 5):o714. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813009239. Print 2013 May 1.


In the title compound, C17H12Cl2N2O2S2, the di-thia-cyclo-pentane ring has an envelope conformation with one of the methyl-ene C atoms as the flap. The chloro-phenyl rings make a dihedral angle of 82.63 (7)°. In the crystal, π-π inter-actions between the benzene rings of neighbouring mol-ecules [centroid-centroid distance = 3.547 (2) Å] link the mol-ecules into inversion dimers. Weak non-classical C-H⋯X (X = O, N, Cl) inter-actions further consolidate the packing, forming a layer structure parallel to (110).