Deep nonlinear ablation of silicon with a quasi-continuous wave fiber laser at 1070 nm

Opt Lett. 2013 Jun 1;38(11):1799-801. doi: 10.1364/OL.38.001799.


We achieve high aspect-ratio laser ablation of silicon with a strong nonlinear dependence on pulse duration while using a power density 10(6) times less than the threshold for typical multiphoton-mediated ablation. This is especially counter-intuitive as silicon is nominally transparent to the modulated continuous wave Yb:fiber laser used in the experiments. We perform time-domain finite-element simulations of thermal dynamics to investigate thermo-optical coupling and link the observed machining to an intensity-thresholded runaway thermo-optically nonlinear process. This effect, cascaded absorption, is qualitatively different from ablation observed using nanosecond-duration pulses and is general enough to potentially facilitate high-quality, high aspect-ratio, and economical processing of many materials.