Influence of type of nocturia and lower urinary tract symptoms on therapeutic outcome in women treated with desmopressin

Korean J Urol. 2013 Feb;54(2):95-9. doi: 10.4111/kju.2013.54.2.95. Epub 2013 Feb 18.


Purpose: To investigate the type of nocturia and concomitant voiding dysfunction (VD) and the effect of desmopressin treatment on nocturia in women.

Materials and methods: We reviewed 84 women who experienced more than 2 nocturia episodes as recorded on a pretreatment frequency volume chart and who were treated with desmopressin. All patients underwent history taking, physical examination, urinalysis, International Prostate Symptom Score assessment, completion of a urinary sensation scale, and completion of a 3 day frequency volume chart. Nocturia was divided into nocturnal polyuria (NP), reduced nocturnal bladder capacity (RNBC), and mixed type. After treatment with desmopressin, a reduction in nocturia of over 50% compared with baseline was regarded as effective.

Results: Among 84 women, the most common concomitant VD was overactive bladder (OAB, 60.7%). NP was observed in 70.2% (59/84) of the women, RNBC in 7.1% (6/84), and mixed type in 22.6% (19/84). After medication with desmopressin, 73 women (86.9%) showed a significantly reduced number of nocturia episodes (1.4±1.5) compared with baseline (3.7±1.3, p<0.05). Eleven women (13.1%) did not show improvement. Of the 73 women who showed improvement, 41 women showed a reduction of more than 50% over baseline, and these women had a lower baseline urgency grade.

Conclusions: In the majority of women, nocturia coexisted with other VD such as OAB. Treatment with desmopressin effectively reduced the nocturia. However, other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) such as urgency may reduce the effect of desmopressin. Therefore, consideration of concomitant LUTS seems to be necessary to increase the treatment effect of desmopressin on nocturia in women.

Keywords: Deamino arginine vasopressin; Lower urinary tract symptoms; Nocturia; Women.