
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Jan 1;69(Pt 1):o105. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812050684. Epub 2012 Dec 19.


In the title mol-ecule, C19H18F3N3O, the dihydro-pyridine and cyclo-hexene rings both adopt sofa conformations. The five essentially planar atoms of the dihydro-pyridine ring [maximum deviation = 0.039 (2) Å] form a dihedral angle of 88.19 (8)° with the benzene ring. The F atoms of the trifluoro-methyl group were refined as disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.840 (3):0.160 (3) ratio. In the crystal, N-H⋯O and N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds link mol-ecules into a two-dimensional network parallel to (100).