
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Dec 1;68(Pt 12):o3344. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812046132. Epub 2012 Nov 14.


In the title compound, C29H28N2O4, the indoline ring system is essentially planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.027 (2) Å; the carbonyl O atom lies 0.102 (1) Å out of the least-squares plane of the indole ring. The pyrrolidine ring adopts a C-envelope conformation, with a C atom displaced by 0.643 (2) Å from the mean plane formed by the remaining ring atoms. The pyrrolidine ring makes a dihedral angle of 86.1 (8)° with the indoline ring system. In the crystal, N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds result in the formation of cyclic centrosymmetric dimers [R2(2)(8)]. C-H⋯π inter-actions also occur, leading to a chain along the b-axis direction. There is a rather weak π-π electron inter-action between the pyrrazole and benzene rings, with a centroid-centroid distance of 3.765 (1) Å.