
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Dec 1;68(Pt 12):o3308-9. doi: 10.1107/S160053681204562X. Epub 2012 Nov 10.


In the title compound, C12H10BrClN2O2S, the sulfonamide group adopts a staggered conformation about the N-S bond [the C-S-N-H torsion angle is 97 (3)°] with the N-atom lone pair bis-ecting the O=S=O angle. For the C(Ar)-S bond, the ortho-substituted C atom bis-ects one of O=S-N angles [the C-C-S-N torsion angle is -57.7 (3)°]. The mean planes of the aromatic rings form a dihedral angle of 75.1 (1)°. In the crystal, mol-ecules form inversion dimers through pairs of N-H⋯NH2 hydrogen bonds. The mol-ecules are further consolidated into layers along the bc plane by weaker N-H⋯O inter-actions.