Elongation of planar boron clusters by hydrogenation: boron analogues of polyenes

J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Aug 15;134(32):13228-31. doi: 10.1021/ja305744a. Epub 2012 Aug 3.


Dihydrogenated boron clusters, H(2)B(n)(-) (n = 7-12), were produced and characterized using photoelectron spectroscopy and computational chemistry to have ladderlike structures terminated by a hydrogen atom on each end. The two rows of boron atoms in the dihydrides are bonded by delocalized three-, four-, or five-center σ and π bonds. The π bonding patterns in these boron nanoladders bear similarities to those in conjugated alkenes: H(2)B(7)(-), H(2)B(8), and H(2)B(9)(-), each with two π bonds, are similar to butadiene, while H(2)B(10)(2-), H(2)B(11)(-), and H(2)B(12), each with three π bonds, are analogous to 1,3,5-hexatriene. The boron cluster dihydrides can thus be considered as polyene analogues, or "polyboroenes". Long polyboroenes with conjugated π bonds (analogous to polyacetylenes), which may form a new class of molecular wires, should exist.