
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Mar 1;68(Pt 3):o726. doi: 10.1107/S160053681200596X. Epub 2012 Feb 17.


The title compound, C(13)H(11)IN(2), crystallizes with two independent molecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit. The two aromatic rings are inclined to one another by 73.3 (2)° in molecule A, and by 74.4 (1)° in molecule B. In molecule A, the iodophenyl and the phenyl rings are inlclined to the N=C-N plane by 88.0 (4) and 19.0 (4)°, respectively. In molecule B the corresponding angles are 85.0 (4) and 20.7 (4)°, respectively. In the crystal, the two molecules are not parallel but have a dihedral angle between the iodophenyl rings of 8.6 (1)°, and 44.5 (2)° between the phenyl rings. The A and B molecules are linked vvia N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds to form -A-B-A-B- chains propagating along direction [100].