Hexa-kis-(dimethyl-formamide-κO)manganese(II) μ-oxido-bis-[trichlorido-ferrate(III)]

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Nov;67(Pt 11):m1563-4. doi: 10.1107/S1600536811041523. Epub 2011 Oct 22.


The title compound, [Mn(C(3)H(7)NO)(6)][Fe(2)Cl(6)O], was obtained unintentionally as a product of an attempted synthesis of heterometallic complexes with Schiff base ligands using manganese powder and FeCl(3)·6H(2)O as starting materials. In the [Fe(2)OCl(6)](2-) anion, the O atom and the Fe atom occupy positions with site symmetry [Formula: see text] and 3, respectively, resulting in a linear Fe-O-Fe angle and a staggered conformation. The octa-hedrally surrounded cation (site symmetry [Formula: see text]) and the [Fe(2)Cl(6)O](2-) anion are alternately stacked along [001].