A sodium calcium arsenate, NaCa(AsO(4))

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Dec 1;67(Pt 12):i69. doi: 10.1107/S160053681104428X. Epub 2011 Nov 2.


The title compound, NaCa(AsO(4)), was synthesized using a hydro-thermal method at 633-643 K. It has a dense structure composed of alternating layers of distorted [CaO(6)] octa-hedra and layers of [AsO(4)] tetra-hedra and distorted [NaO(6)] octa-hedra, stacked along the a axis. The As, Ca and two O atoms lie on the mirror plane at y = 1/4 (i.e. 4c), while the Na atom lies on an inversion centre (1/2, 1/2, 0) (i.e. 4b). Each distorted [CaO(6)] octa-hedron shares four equatorial common O vertices with four neighboring octa-hedra, forming a layer parallel to (100), whereas each distorted [NaO(6)] octa-hedron shares two opposite edges with two neighboring ones, forming a chain running along [010]. Each isolated [AsO(4)] tetra-hedron shares two edges with two different [NaO(6)] octa-hedra in one [NaO(6)] chain and a vertex with another chain. Simultaneously the above [AsO(4)] tetra-hedron located in a four-membered [CaO(6)] ring shares one edge of its base facet with one [CaO(6)] octa-hedron and three corners with three other [CaO(6)] octa-hedra of one [CaO(6)] layer, and the remaining apex is shared with another [CaO(6)] layer. [NaO(6)] octa-hedra and [CaO(6)] octa-hedra are linked to each other by sharing edges and vertices.