A comparison of the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of alheira samples from different-sized producers

Meat Sci. 2008 May;79(1):131-8. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2007.08.009. Epub 2007 Aug 30.


Alheira is a traditional Portuguese meat product made from boiled meat, usually pork and/or poultry, and bread. The physicochemical and sensory properties of alheira were analyzed to determine the relationships between them and to evaluate how they are affected by the product's origin i.e. if is produced on a small or industrial scale. The most important variables used to characterize alheira are: color, visual evaluation of the amount of meat and bread, paprika aroma, clamminess and fibrousness, water activity, moisture, fat, carbohydrate content, hardness and color parameters (L(∗),a(∗), and b(∗)). Principal component analysis demonstrated that drying has a major effect on these characteristics, as it plays a part in the product's physical make-up. Using these parameters it was possible to ascertain that industrial products enjoyed higher levels of consumer acceptability, given that they contain a higher proportion of meat and undergo a shorter drying process.