A new remarkable subterranean beetle of the Rhodopes: Paralovricia gen. n. beroni sp. n. belonging to Lovriciina new subtribe (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Bembidiini)

Zookeys. 2011:(117):59-72. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.117.1612. Epub 2011 Jul 9.


Paralovriciagen. n.beronisp. n., belonging to the new subtribe Lovriciina, is described from two caves in the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria): Kraypatnata peshtera, near Smilyan Village (Smolyan Municipality) and Snezhanka, near Peshtera Town (Peshtera Municipality). Three currently known genera, Lovricia Pretner, 1979, Neolovricia Lakota, Jalžić & Moravec, 2009 and Paralovriciagen. n. represent a monophyletic unit supported by important synapomorphies that allows to propose the establishment of the new subtribe Lovriciina, characterized by the following characters: last maxillary palpomeres very long and narrow, basal angles of pronotum without seta, elytra without discal setae, elytral umbilicate series of nine pores in which the main pores are the 2nd, 6th and 9th, apical recurrent striole absent and mesotibial apex expanded outward. Its systematic position within the subfamily Trechinae (sensu Lorenz 2005) is discussed and Lovriciina is placed near Anillina. Key to the genera of the subtribe is proposed. Distribution data and zoogeographical hypotheses are discussed.

Keywords: Bulgaria; Carabidae; Coleoptera; Lovricia; Neolovricia; Rhodopes; new genus; new species; new subtribe.