Five-dimensional incommensurate structure of the melilite electrolyte [CaNd]2[Ga]2[Ga2O7]2

J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Sep 28;133(38):15200-11. doi: 10.1021/ja206441x. Epub 2011 Sep 2.


Melilite-type gallium oxides are potential intermediate temperature electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells. Single crystals of [CaNd](2)[Ga](2)[Ga(2)O(7)](2) grown using an optical floating zone furnace have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The anion array topologically conforms to a [(,] network that contains distorted pentagonal tunnels. The distortion is necessary to achieve space filling and accommodate structural misfit between the layers. Satisfactory bond lengths and angles are obtained through two-dimensional modulation in the tetragonal based plane, leading to five-dimensional symmetry in the superspace group P(4⁻)2(1)m(α,α,0)00s((a⁻)a,0)000, α = 0.2319(2), with modulation vectors q(1) = α(a* + b*) and q(2) = α(-a* + b*). Both displacive and occupational modulations are found. Through this mechanism, melilites are primed to accommodate mobile oxygen interstitials, suggesting a rational approach to crystallochemical tailoring that will enhance ionic diffusion and optimize electrolyte performance.