Protein Adsorption on Nanocrystalline TiO(2) Films: An Immobilization Strategy for Bioanalytical Devices

Anal Chem. 1998 Dec 1;70(23):5111-3. doi: 10.1021/ac980764l.


We have investigated the use of optically transparent, nanoporous TiO(2) films as substrates for protein immobilization. Immobilization on such films may be readily achieved from aqueous solutions at 4 °C. The nanoporous structure of the film greatly enhances the active surface area available for protein binding (by a factor of 150 for a 4-μm-thick film). We demonstrate that the redox state of immobilized cytochrome c may be modulated by the application of an electrical bias potential to the TiO(2) film and that the fluorescence yield of immobilized fluorophore-labeled maltose-binding protein may be used to monitor specifically maltose concentration. We conclude that nanoporous TiO(2) films may be useful both for basic studies of protein/electrode interactions and for the development of array-based bioanalytical devices employing both optical and electrochemical signal transduction methodologies.