Phenyl 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hy-droxy-benzoate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Nov 24;66(Pt 12):o3290. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810044028.


The title mol-ecule, C(21)H(26)O(3), has a six-membered planar carbon ring as the central core, substituted at position 1 with phen-oxy-carbonyl, at position 2 with hy-droxy and at positions 3 and 5 with tert-butyl groups. The structure shows two independent but very similar mol-ecules within the asymmetric unit. For both independent mol-ecules, the ester carboxyl-ate group is coplanar with the central core, as reflected by the small C-C-O-C torsion angles [179.95 (17) and 173.70 (17)°]. In contrast, the phenyl substituent is almost perpendicular to the carboxyl-ate -CO(2) fragment, as reflected by C-O-C-C torsion angles, ranging from 74 to 80°. The coplanarity between the central aromatic ring and the ester carboxyl-ate -CO(2)- group allows the formation of an intra-molecular hydrogen bond, with O⋯O distances of 2.563 (2) and 2.604 (2) Å.