
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jul 7;66(Pt 8):o1943. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810025730.


The title compound, C(19)H(15)ClN(2)S, a divalent organosulfur compound belonging to the class of ortho-mercaptoazo compounds, is non-ionic in nature. The azo group in the mol-ecule is moved away from the S atom to attain the stable trans-azo configuration. Here the S atom is not electron deficient, so no intra-molecular N⋯S inter-action exists. Due to steric reasons, the mol-ecule is non-planar: the chlorophenyl and benzyl rings are oriented at dihedral angles of 3.21 (8) and 78.18 (5)°, respectively, with respect to the thiophenyl ring. There are no hydrogen bonds and the crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals inter-actions.