
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jul 3;66(Pt 8):o1885. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810025183.


The title mol-ecule, C(15)H(13)NO, approximates a planar conformation except for the alkyl chain (ethyl group) bonded to the N atom with a maximum deviation from the least-squares plane through the 15 planar atoms of 0.120 (2) Å for the O atom. The distance of the formyl O atom from the plane of the carbazole ring is 0.227 (2) Å. The N-C bond lengths in the central ring are significantly different, reflecting the electron-withdrawing properties of the aldehyde group. As a consequence, charge transfer may occur from the carbazole N atom to the substituted benzene ring.