
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jul 21;66(Pt 8):i61-i62. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810028205.


The structure of the title compound, tripotassium trans-tetra-cyanidodioxidotechnetate(V), is isotypic with its Re analogue. The [TcO(2)(CN)(4)](3-)trans-tetra-cyanido-dioxido-technetate anion has a slightly distorted octa-hedral configuration. The Tc atom is located on a center of inversion and is bound to two O atoms in axial and to four cyanide ligands in equatorial positions. The Tc-O distance is consistent with a double-bond character. The two potassium cations, one located on a center of inversion and one in a general position, reside in octa-hedral or tetra-hedral environments, respectively. K⋯O and K⋯N inter-actions occur in the 2.7877 (19)-2.8598 (15) Å range.