
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jun 16;66(Pt 7):m795-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810021525.


In the title compound, [Ru(C(9)H(10)BN(6))Cl(C(3)H(4)N(2))(C(18)H(15)P)], the Ru(II) atom is coordinated by an N,N',N''-tridentate hydrido-trispyrazolylborate (Tp) ligand, a pyrazole (HPz) mol-ecule, a chloride ion and a triphenyl-phosphine ligand, resulting in a distorted RuClPN(4) octa-hedral coordination for the metal ion: the tridentate N atoms occupy one octa-hedral face and the Cl and P atoms are cis. One of the phenyl rings is disordered over two orientations in a 0.547 (10):0.453 (10) ratio, and a weak intra-molecular N-H⋯Cl hydrogen bond generates an S(5) ring.