
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 May 29;65(Pt 6):m693. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809019266.


In the title compound, [ZnBr(2)(C(15)H(11)N(3))], the Zn(II) ion is five-coordinated by the three N atoms from a 2,2':6',2''-terpyridine ligand (terpy) and two bromide anions in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration. Each mol-ecule is situated on a twofold rotational axis that passes through the Zn(II) ion and the central ring of the terpy ligand. In the crystal structure, aromatic π-π inter-actions between terpy ligands [centroid-centroid distances = 3.6265 (9) Å] link mol-ecules into stacks propagated in the [001] direction.