
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2008 Nov 29;64(Pt 12):m1630. doi: 10.1107/S1600536808039524.


The title compound, [Fe(C(5)H(5))(C(11)H(9)O)], is of inter-est as a precursor to the synthesis of cheap ferrocene-based liquid crystals. The -OH substituent only results in weak C-H⋯O weak inter-actions between one of cyclo-penta-dienyl (Cp) ring H atoms and the O atom of a neighbouring mol-ecule with a distance of 3.308 (3) Å between the donor and acceptor atoms. The inter-planar angle between the Cp and benzene rings is 13.0 (4)°. There are also weak O-H⋯π and C-H⋯π inter-actions involving the unsubstituted Cp and the benzene ring, respectively.