
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Oct 3;65(Pt 11):o2604-5. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809036599.


The title compound, C(17)H(19)N(3)O(3)S, crystallizes with two closely similar independent mol-ecules related by a pseudotranslation of c/2. Each mol-ecule consists of three approximately planar moieties centred on the N(2)CS group and the two ring systems. The packing involves classical H bonds of the form N(amide)-H⋯S and N(hydrazine)-H⋯OC, together with various weak hydrogen bonds and N(hydrazine)-H⋯π inter-actions. The overall packing is three-dimensional, but layer substructures parallel to the xz plane can be readily identified. Each mol-ecule forms a topologically equivalent set of hydrogen-bond inter-actions.