Poly[[[bis-(acetato-κO)copper(II)]-μ-1,4-diimidazol-1-ylbenzene-κN:N] dihydrate]

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Oct 31;65(Pt 11):m1482. doi: 10.1107/S160053680904464X.


In the title linear coordination polymer, {[Cu(C(2)H(3)O(2))(2)(C(12)H(10)N(4))]·2H(2)O}(n), the Cu(II) atom is coordinated by two N atoms from two different symmetry-related 1,4-diimidazol-1-ylbenzene (dib) ligands and two carboxyl-ate O atoms from two acetate ligands in a square-planar geometry. The Cu atoms are linked by the dib ligands, forming an extended chain. These chains are linked by O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional supra-molecular network. The Cu(II) atom lies on a center of inversion.