Intron-spanning primers for the amplification of the nuclear ANT gene in decapod crustaceans

Mol Ecol Resour. 2009 May;9(3):774-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02534.x. Epub 2009 Jan 22.


We describe polymerase chain reaction primers that amplify the low-copy nuclear adenine nucleotide transporter gene in decapod crustaceans. These were tested on 35 species from 14 decapod families, and a single polymerase chain reaction product amplified in 32 species. Of 49 sequences generated, only two did not contain an intron, and the longest intron identified was more than 834 nucleotides in length. The amplified fragment is likely to be useful at various taxonomic levels. While the intron is suitable for phylogeographical/population genetic studies and to identify cryptic speciation, the second exon region is sufficiently long to provide signal at both the phylogeographical and phylogenetic levels.