Automation of the surface sterilization system procedure

Methods Mol Biol. 1990:6:571-80. doi: 10.1385/0-89603-161-6:571.


Reliable methods for obtaining sterile explants (i. e., that part of the parent plant introduced to in vitro conditions) are critical in tissue culture. Normally, explants are soaked in disinfectants in order to eliminate the coating layer of microorganisms ubiquitously found on plants. This chapter is concerned with the use of mechanical and electronic techniques (i. e., an automated Surface Sterilization System [SSS]) to aid in the sterile establishment of explants. The automated SSS reduces labor input and increases the effectiveness and reproducibility of the surface sterilization treatment (1) (see Fig. 1). Numerous disinfectant types and techniques have been developed to surface sterilize plants (2). However, all procedures can be summarized as follows.