
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2008 Apr 2;64(Pt 5):m605-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536808007757.


The title compound, [Mo(2)Zn(C(3)H(5)NO(2)S)(2)O(2)S(2)(H(2)O)(2)], forms a one-dimensional chain. The cysteine S atom of the dinuclear molybdenum complex anion coordinates to the zinc ion, which has a tetra-hedral environment by the additional coordination of two water mol-ecules. The one-dimensional chains are connected to each other by hydrogen bonds. The Zn-S(cysteine) distances [2.3599 (6) and 2.3072 (6) Å] are close to the value in ZnS (2.35 Å). The distances and angles within the complex are very close to those reported for the sodium and potassium di-μ-sulfide species.