Clitolactone: a banana slug antifeedant from Clitocybe flaccida

Mycologia. 2004 Jan-Feb;96(1):23-5.


Clitolactone, 5-(chloromethyl)-3-methyl-2(5H)-furanone, was isolated from sporocaps of the mushroom Clitocybe flaccida. The structure was determined by HRMS, EIMS, (1)H & (13)C NMR, 2D (1)H-(13)C COSY and (1)H-(1)H COSY. This mushroom is not eaten by the banana slug Ariolimax columbianus (Gould), a mycophagist from the temperate rain forests of the Pacific Northwest. Clitolactone acts as an antifeedant because these slugs rejected 1.0 cm(2) pieces of lettuce treated with 25 μg of clitolactone.