Clinical evaluation of two types of ceramic inlays and onlays after 6 months

J Appl Oral Sci. 2004 Sep;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1590/s1678-77572004000300010.


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical performance of two types of ceramics: a slurry-powder ceramic (Duceram Plus, Degussa) - D and a hot-pressed leucite-based glass-ceramic (IPS Empress, Ivoclar Vivadent) - IPS. Eighty-six restorations, 44 IPS and 42 D, were made by one operator. A total of 33 onlays and 53 inlays on twenty-seven premolars and 59 molars were cemented in 35 patients of both sexes, mean age 35 years. All restorations were cemented with the dual-resin cement (Variolink, Ivoclar-Vivadent) under rubber dam and were evaluated at the baseline and after six months, using the modified U.S.P.H.S. criteria for postoperative sensitivity, secondary caries, fracture, color match, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity and surface texture. Additionally radiographs and intraoral photographs were carried out. At baseline 86 restorations were analyzed and all of them received Alfa rating, except for the following that received Bravo rating for postoperative sensitivity - IPS (2.27%); D (7.14%); for color match - IPS (2.27%); D (2.38%) and for surface texture - IPS (2.27%); D (11.90%). After 6 months 100% of the restorations were analyzed and the following received Bravo rating: color match - IPS (4.55%) and D (9.52%); surface texture - IPS (2.27%) and D (11.9%); marginal discoloration - IPS (6.82%) and D (4.76%) and marginal integrity - IPS (4.55%) and D (7.14%). The results were submitted to the Fisher and McNemar Statistical Tests. No significant differences were noticed between the two ceramics. Both ceramics demonstrated satisfactory clinical performance after six months.