Can Na(2)[B(12)H(12)] be a decomposition product of NaBH(4)?

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2010 Dec 7;12(45):15093-100. doi: 10.1039/c0cp00877j. Epub 2010 Oct 21.


We synthesized Na(2)[B(12)H(12)] by a solid state procedure and thermal decomposition of Na[B(3)H(8)], and calculated from a first-principles approach the thermodynamic and structural properties. In particular, the calculated enthalpy of formation of the monoclinic structure, at T = 0 K, of -1086.196 kJ mol(-1) showed that it is a very stable compound. Therefore, in case it were formed during the thermal decomposition of NaBH(4), it would be rather considered a product, which, in addition, prevents the subsequent re-hydrogenation process because of its low reactivity to hydrogen. We reported the isotherms of absorption of H(2), O(2), and H(2)O, calculated both theoretically and experimentally.