Factors affecting bone response around loaded titanium dental implants: A literature review

J Appl Biomater Biomech. 2005 Sep-Dec;3(3):135-40.


This paper was designed as a review of the knowledge concerning bone adaptation around dental implants. Current literature concerning the biomechanics of bone and titanium dental implants as a main focus and pertinent to key aspects of the review was taken into consideration. Implant stiffness, design and surface were considered as factors affecting bone response to loaded dental implants. The emerging data allows the conclusion that implant design influences force transmission to periimplant bone, but seems to have poor power in preventing time-related marginal bone crest resorption. Mechanical stimulation such as prosthetic stress-dependent strains, affects bone tissue adaptation. Therefore, it is crucial to have high biomechanical control on implants to preserve implant ankilosis and to promote periimplant bone deposition.