Noncausal predictive image codec

IEEE Trans Image Process. 1996;5(8):1229-42. doi: 10.1109/83.506758.


The paper describes a lossy image codec that uses a noncausal (or bilateral) prediction model coupled with vector quantization. The noncausal prediction model is an alternative to the causal (or unilateral) model that is commonly used in differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) and other codecs with a predictive component. We show how to obtain a recursive implementation of the noncausal image model without compromising its optimality and how to apply this in coding in much the same way as a causal predictor. We report experimental compression results that demonstrate the superiority of using a noncausal model based predictor over using traditional causal predictors. The codec is shown to produce high-quality compressed images at low bit rates such as 0.375 b/pixel. This quality is contrasted with the degraded images that are produced at the same bit rates by codecs using causal predictors or standard discrete cosine transform/Joint Photographic Experts Group-based (DCT/JPEG-based) algorithms.