Most stable metallic phase of the mixed-valence MMX-chain, Pt2(dtp)4I (dtp = C2H5CS2-), in purely d-electronic conductors based on the transition-metal complex

J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Jun 28;128(25):8140-1. doi: 10.1021/ja061871x.


The electrical resistivity and X-ray oscillation photograph measurements for an MMX-chain complex, Pt2(dtp)4I (dtp = C2H5CS2-), under high pressure were performed. We observed the most stable metallic phase (TMI = 70 K, under 2.2 GPa) in the 1-D purely d-electronic conductors and pressure-induced metal-insulator transition including the structural phase transition at 3.0 GPa.