Observation of multiple scattering of kHz vibrations in a concrete structure and application to monitoring weak changes

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2006 Jan;73(1 Pt 2):016609. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016609. Epub 2006 Jan 17.


In this paper, we present two experimental studies of mechanical wave propagation in a concrete building around 1 kHz. The first experiment is devoted to the observation of the coherent backscattering enhancement, which demonstrates the presence of multiple diffractions in the late part of the wave records. An application of multiple diffraction and reverberations is proposed in a second experiment. Thanks to their sensitivity to weak changes of the medium, the late records are used to monitor weak change in concrete wave velocity induced by thermal variations. The velocity change measurements have a precision of deltac/c=10(-4). Such a precision is difficult to obtain with direct waves. This experiment is the first step to other applications like stress, damage, aging, or crack monitoring in concrete structures.