Condensation transitions in a model for a directed network with weighted links

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2006 Jan;73(1 Pt 2):016105. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016105. Epub 2006 Jan 9.


An exactly solvable model for the rewiring dynamics of weighted, directed networks is introduced. Simulations indicate that the model exhibits two types of condensation: (i) a phase in which, for each node, a finite fraction of its total out-strength condenses onto a single link; (ii) a phase in which a finite fraction of the total weight in the system is directed into a single node. A virtue of the model is that its dynamics can be mapped onto those of a zero-range process with many species of interacting particles--an exactly solvable model of particles hopping between the sites of a lattice. This mapping, which is described in detail, guides the analysis of the steady state of the network model and leads to theoretical predictions for the conditions under which the different types of condensation may be observed. A further advantage of the mapping is that, by exploiting what is known about exactly solvable generalizations of the zero-range process, one can infer a number of generalizations of the network model and dynamics which remain exactly solvable.