A generalized bead-rod model for Brownian dynamics simulations of wormlike chains under strong confinement

J Chem Phys. 2005 Aug 22;123(8):084906. doi: 10.1063/1.2008233.


This paper is aimed to develop a Brownian dynamics simulation method for strongly confined semiflexible polymers where numerical simulation plays an indispensable role in complementing theory and experiments. A wormlike chain under strong confinement is modeled as a string of virtual spherical beads connected by inextensible rods with length varying according to the confinement intensity of the chain measured by the Odijk deflection length. The model takes hydrodynamic interactions into account. The geometrical constraints associated with the inextensible rods are realized by the so-called linear constraint solver. The model parameters are studied by quantitatively comparing the simulated properties of a double-stranded DNA chain with available experimental data and theoretical predictions.