Narbenendometriose nach Sectio caesarea

Zentralbl Gynakol. 1999;121(6):296-7.
[Article in German]


Few cases of surgical scar endometriosis have been reported yet, which may occur following episiotomies and caesarean sections. The classic presentation is that of a tender mass becoming symptomatic with menstruation. Patients are complaining of cyclic pain and pre-menstrual swelling. In our case, a 34-year-old gravida III/-para II with osteogenesis imperfecta presented herself with a non-symptomatic scar endometrioma following a caesarean section 4 years previously. The diagnosis based on an incidental finding after scar removal during the subsequent caesarean section. As known so far, surgical intervention is the method of choice if singular endometriosis lesions occur.